For the new year I'm going to create MY VERY OWN "bucket list". This list will contain 100 things that I'd like to do before I leave this place called "Earth". I encourage my readers to do the same. Why? Because a "bucket list" so much more than a New Years Resolution list that's more than likely going to get discarded long before Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Although the idea isn't original, I still promote its use for others if it'll help 'em evolve as individuals.
I feel like as a whole we don't challenge ourselves enough. We see others doing things outside the norm, and we look at them as "crazy" or "irrational". Well, why not become that "crazy", "irrational" person? Why not do something you've always wanted to do but didn't, because you let the influence of others conveniently distract you? I believe we should all stray away from society's norms (at least once in our lives) and live life on the other side of the spectrum. If you're with me grab your platform heels and scream "YAYYY", and if you feel like "NAY" that's okay too. My point is this readers, don't ever feel like you are stuck with what you have going on presently. Life is so much MORE than we will ever know. Don't sell yourself short because other people will side eye you, because guess what? They'll side eye you for just being YOURSELF. People have hated me from the day I exited my mother's vagina, and God still smiles on me everyday.
this posting is very true! some people just need to learn that pleasing yourself and being you is all that matters. a lot of people r also disillusioned by their own appearance and loose theirselves. moral of your post is "JUST STAY TRUE TO YOU" >>> i love it!