The older I get the more I realize that parents are more responsible for the issues that their children have. I would hate to make myself sound like I'm saying parents are the sole reason why misbehaved children turn into criminal adults, but a lot of the blame should be placed on the parents. Don't get me wrong, children and adults need to learn how to accept responsibility in order to have some chance at being a successful adult, but parents have a lot to do with the demise of their children.
When parents break-up or divorce they often times become so engulfed in hating each other that their children start to become invisible. They often become the very thing they've taught their children not to be; unforgiving, revengeful, evil, or even sinister. Children are like sponges, they soak up all the negatives and positives unconsciously. Whatever they learn from their parents are what they have to offer the world. The most hurtful thing a parent can do to their child is purposely forbidding one parent from seeing their child. This does so much harm and damage to the child in the long run. Issues like self-esteem, self-worth, trust and sometimes promiscuity are frequently the results from these situations.
A woman once told me that she didn't want to be with her son's father because he was unfaithful to her and this caused her to strongly dislike him. Because this woman choose to leave her son's father, she decided to remove her son's father from her son's life COMPLETELY. That is altogether selfish if you ask me. Her choice was made because she choose not to be in a relationship with him. So in return, she decided that she was going to deny her son a father.
Women repeatedly forget that once a child is born, it is no longer about them. Children need both parents. Divorced. Separated. Married. Engaged. Children need both parents. To deny a man the opportunity to be a father to his child is absolutely heartless, and this is just one of the reasons why our children are walking around lost and feeling unloved. But let me not make it out to be all the mother's fault, because if a man wants to be a father, he WILL be a FATHER. Some men behave as if it's all the mother's fault, and they had nothing to do with the mother's refusing them the chance to be a father. I just feel like parents need to be more self-less and put their children first.
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