He was more like the kind of man you saw in your fantasies. Never would a man like him -- so perfect, so divine be something of a realty. He had a voice that demanded instant attention. That voice made my vagina come alive, it was deep with a raspy Brooklyn accent and had the power to destroy all of my rational thinking. He had tattoos. Tattoos all over his back, chest and arms. He was brown skin. He stood at a solid six feet. He had a masculine face. His jaw line was very pronounced, and his eyes dominated his face. His lips were nothing short of perfection...and his back! Oh, his BACK gave me LIFE! He had a six pack that let me know he was no stranger to the gym. His legs were toned and confirmed that he was all about his squats. His arms were nice, long and strong. His dick was phenomenal! Not too long and not too short. His penis matched his body as if he was manufactured by a woman. He knew more about a woman's body than a woman. He knew how to touch me when we spoke. He knew what to say and more importantly, how to say it. He knew what I was thinking, when I wasn't sure myself. He knew how to calm me down and he knew how to put me in my place. His charming smile was more dangerous than a drunk driver. Sexy is an understatement for this man. The night we did our deed was something I'll never forget...
This is an excerpt from a book I have been writing for what seems like the beginning of time. I'd love to get some feedback on it. Let me know what you think. Thanks for stopping by...enjoy!!!
can i please be the 1st to get the copy of this book? i was so into this short passage, i had to read it two more time to keep realizing theres no more, LoL. If this is the beginning of chapter one then you already got my FULL undevided attention, meaning i'll be reading this book while my professor teaches.