If you know anything about me, you'll know that I LOVESSS my heels. The reason I love my heels so much is because I've discovered a trick to make wearing 'em a little more ummm...can I say pleasant? Yes, PLEASANT it is!!! High heels aren't always comfortable and they destroy the look of your feet after years of wear and tear but, PLATFORM heels can help take some of that pain away. PlATFORMS, are my secret to painless shoes! The platform takes most of the stress away from the balls of my feet and allow the pressure from my weight to be placed on the P L A T F O R M !!! Not only are platform heels magical, but they are easier to walk in. There is nothing worse than a sexy woman walking like a duck in her heels because her feet went numb from the pain of PLATFROMless heels *crosses leg, files nail, and gives the "I told you" look*. LOL!!! Women were created to be sexy because we are, of course WOMEN! Experiment with some platforms on your next trip to Steve Madden and you'll discover that Alima ain't never told you wrong.
holllllllllllllllllllllla (frankie voice) i definitely agree with you i must say. it took me a good year or two to become an expert walker in some high heels, but also heels in general are designed to only be worn for NO MORE than 4 to 5 hours max. Thats something i learned from Kimora Lee Simmons.